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Post by palerider »

Normal service soon I feel.

But they've shown what you can do with organisation and togetherness, They had to through necessity with only 13 fit players. And Mike Phelan is no Klopp, but I wish we had a bit of Hull's sprit.

'Defend as a team', Bilic has said. Well he picks that team. And if some aren't pulling their weight then some bench-warming is due, whether they're the captain or not. And add Kouyate to that as well. I'd put him at centre-back for now as he's doing fuck-all in midfield. And he was for me our most influential player last season.

All is not lost. Even if we're bottom in November, with the players we have, there are at least 3 worse teams than us. But if Bilic doesn't live up to his billing by then, Sullivan will pull the plug.

I desperately want him to succeed.

But then I desperately don't want a wet February Tuesday in Huddersfield next year.