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Re: Coronavirus

Post by terrya1965 »

Newmarket wrote: Mon Jan 11, 2021 4:01 am
terrya1965 wrote: Sun Jan 10, 2021 11:12 pm

Spot on.

While the rest of us get poorer,these c**ts are raking it in.

All the MP's and their associates know the companies that will be supplying the vaccinations and have invested to make massive dividends for themselves.It`s all abouut them and what they can make...F*CK THE PEOPLE,OUR BANK ACCOUNTS ARE MORE IMPORTANT.
Tegs :D explain to this thicko how all this money is being made ?
How much is it going to cost me to get a vaccination at the quacks ?
Who do you think is paying for that?The taxpayer,who pay for these crooks to get rich.

The same taxpayers that pay for Private companies to be subsidised,which were sold on the cheap.

Privatisation is just a legal way for the rich to get stinking rich in my opinion.

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by terrya1965 »

palerider wrote: Mon Jan 11, 2021 8:56 am
Ironworksfc wrote: Sun Jan 10, 2021 10:01 pm Let's all hide from a super cold that has no more impact than certain strains off influenza

So fucking bored of this now.
I lost a friend of mine to covid in the first lockdown. From my old cricket team in Croydon. Sadly I'd lost touch with him due to me moving out west and I only found out recently, but it hit me quite hard.

He didn't smoke but liked a drink. I don't know if there were other health issues. He'd have been early 70's.

It makes it more personal. But still doesn't change my view that there is no joined up thinking being exercised, especially now with plod. Arresting people sitting on benches, fining two friends walking two metres apart drinking tea because they'd driven there and drinking tea constitutes a fucking picnic.

Easy targets.

Because not all, but many, are cowardly cunts. They won't stop statues being pulled down. Break up a group of thirty Muslims in a private house breaking laws by inviting in an Imam ? Oh no. Clearly racist and they may get nasty things said about them. They've dodged that particular bullet now by allowing mosques to stay open. Socially distanced of course.....Yeah, right. And I've had my say on whether football should continue.

Is covid real ? Yes. Will it kill the elderly and vulnerable ? Yes. Will it kill others ? Yes. But in spectacularly small proportions.

And now the scruffy blond arse masquerading as a Prime Minister and his joke of a health minister Muttley want to make draconian measures even draconianer. Wearing a mask in the open air ? Going for a one hour walk only once a week ?

Total bollocks. And Joe Voter will have a long memory the next time the country goes to the polls.

The thing this country needs right now is a new department.

The Ministry of Common Sense.
Nobody can sit on a park bench,but I have to go and work among at least a 100 people in a cold store Warehouse,where the virus thrives.

I have a wife at home that is "Extremely Vulnerable" ,but I have to carry on,but first time round,I was told to stay at home.

These c*nts just make it up has they go along.

Under the first Lockdown,it was proper.Very little traffic on the road,but todays lockdown that is meant to be worse,it`s like a normal day.So it`s not the bloody same at all.

Makes no all

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Macca666 »

terrya1965 wrote: Mon Jan 11, 2021 10:45 am
palerider wrote: Mon Jan 11, 2021 8:56 am

I lost a friend of mine to covid in the first lockdown. From my old cricket team in Croydon. Sadly I'd lost touch with him due to me moving out west and I only found out recently, but it hit me quite hard.

He didn't smoke but liked a drink. I don't know if there were other health issues. He'd have been early 70's.

It makes it more personal. But still doesn't change my view that there is no joined up thinking being exercised, especially now with plod. Arresting people sitting on benches, fining two friends walking two metres apart drinking tea because they'd driven there and drinking tea constitutes a fucking picnic.

Easy targets.

Because not all, but many, are cowardly cunts. They won't stop statues being pulled down. Break up a group of thirty Muslims in a private house breaking laws by inviting in an Imam ? Oh no. Clearly racist and they may get nasty things said about them. They've dodged that particular bullet now by allowing mosques to stay open. Socially distanced of course.....Yeah, right. And I've had my say on whether football should continue.

Is covid real ? Yes. Will it kill the elderly and vulnerable ? Yes. Will it kill others ? Yes. But in spectacularly small proportions.

And now the scruffy blond arse masquerading as a Prime Minister and his joke of a health minister Muttley want to make draconian measures even draconianer. Wearing a mask in the open air ? Going for a one hour walk only once a week ?

Total bollocks. And Joe Voter will have a long memory the next time the country goes to the polls.

The thing this country needs right now is a new department.

The Ministry of Common Sense.
Nobody can sit on a park bench,but I have to go and work among at least a 100 people in a cold store Warehouse,where the virus thrives.

I have a wife at home that is "Extremely Vulnerable" ,but I have to carry on,but first time round,I was told to stay at home.

These c*nts just make it up has they go along.

Under the first Lockdown,it was proper.Very little traffic on the road,but todays lockdown that is meant to be worse,it`s like a normal day.So it`s not the bloody same at all.

Makes no all
It makes know sense because its deliberately intended to make know sense, in order to confuse the masses and keep them in a state of fear. It’s a tactic that has been used for centuries in order to control people, and fuck has it worked this time round, keep the masses in a state of fear and they will do pretty much as they are told.

Repeat repeat repeat the bullshit and eventually enough people start believing the bullshit, and that’s exactly what’s happening, those people repeat repeat repeat the bullshit and even more start believing. Now where at a point where half the fucking country is shitting itself to scared to breath in fear of catching Covid or coronavirus, and hear is where the government is being deliberately misleading, because what they are failing to mention to the masses is a common cold is a coronavirus, influenza is a coronavirus and like we all know, flu has been killing people for ever, and will continue to kill people even after this bullshit vaccine is rolled out.

I think it was van tam that let these words slip about a month ago or so, not word for word but he pretty much said ( yeah but you’ve got to remember we will never beat coronavirus) again a startling comment that not one journo in the room thought important enough to pull him up on.

And for the really great news some scientists are now apparently predicting even better killer viruses, waiting to strike on an unsuspecting public, and that lockdowns will need to become common place in order to save humanity, fuck me have these clowns got crystal balls that the rest of us ain’t allowed to view or are they just making this shit up in order to ramp up project fear.

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Whiskyman »

Macca666 wrote: Mon Jan 11, 2021 12:25 pm
It makes know sense because its deliberately intended to make know sense, in order to confuse the masses and keep them in a state of fear. It’s a tactic that has been used for centuries in order to control people, and fuck has it worked this time round, keep the masses in a state of fear and they will do pretty much as they are told.

Repeat repeat repeat the bullshit and eventually enough people start believing the bullshit, and that’s exactly what’s happening, those people repeat repeat repeat the bullshit and even more start believing. Now where at a point where half the fucking country is shitting itself to scared to breath in fear of catching Covid or coronavirus, and hear is where the government is being deliberately misleading, because what they are failing to mention to the masses is a common cold is a coronavirus, influenza is a coronavirus and like we all know, flu has been killing people for ever, and will continue to kill people even after this bullshit vaccine is rolled out.

I think it was van tam that let these words slip about a month ago or so, not word for word but he pretty much said ( yeah but you’ve got to remember we will never beat coronavirus) again a startling comment that not one journo in the room thought important enough to pull him up on.

And for the really great news some scientists are now apparently predicting even better killer viruses, waiting to strike on an unsuspecting public, and that lockdowns will need to become common place in order to save humanity, fuck me have these clowns got crystal balls that the rest of us ain’t allowed to view or are they just making this shit up in order to ramp up project fear.
I'm glad more people are coming round to the thinking that there continues to be massive over reaction to this thing. The latest bollocks we are being fed is that there are more people in hospital with the virus now than there were at the time of the first lockdown. Possibly so, but is anybody asking themselves if all these hospital admissions are really necessary ? Mrs W has a GP friend who is adamant that, whilst many admissions are warranted, many others are not and the patient would be perfectly fine being confined at home.

It also appears the so called Nightingale Hospitals are unused and that there are tens of thousands of ventilators still in their packaging, unused and, apparently, unrequired. And are we not entitled to ask why, instead of the constant diet of doom and gloom, there is no emphasis on the fact that well over 2.25 million people in the UK alone have had the virus and are now happily going about their daily lives ? FFS even the government's own statistics show that 2.6% of people who catch the virus die WITH it. Note WITH, not necessarily because of. Simple mathematics therefore tells us that 97% do not. And that percentage is based on accepting that the 81,431 recorded deaths so far, out of 3.07 million cases, died because of Covid and would not have died had they not had it. A dangerous assumption surely ?

The sad thing, at least imo, is that it isn't just our own clueless government, and this is not a political point because the indications are that Starmer's lot would, unbelievable as it sounds, be even fucking worse, and it's repulsive glove puppet Chris Whitty, that is over reacting but governments worldwide. As Palerider has said Joe Voter has a long memory and will remember this fiasco when the next election comes around. But the sad thing is that at the moment there is no real alternative. Nobody with the bollocks to grab the gullible British public round it's collective throat and ram home the message that the odds of a reasonably fit and healthy person, dying from this thing are minimal. And, yes, there have also been cases of people in their 80s getting over it. But of course that wouldn't be newsworthy would it ? It would dilute the impact that Project Fear is having on people.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by mkhammer »

How the fuck can you guys ignore whats going on're ignoring someone kicking your arse...
You honestly want to crack on as Normal and forget about it's just a cold....... :lol:

Really cant be bothered to comment any more,thats a real shame...

As for the twat that thinks we shouldn't even have a vaccine for it....C'mon FFS......

And the Government want to deliberately destroy the Economy and Country.... :lol: BeJesus heard it all now I really have...

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Macca666 »

mkhammer wrote: Mon Jan 11, 2021 2:19 pm How the fuck can you guys ignore whats going on're ignoring someone kicking your arse...
You honestly want to crack on as Normal and forget about it's just a cold....... :lol:

Really cant be bothered to comment any more,thats a real shame...

As for the twat that thinks we shouldn't even have a vaccine for it....C'mon FFS......

And the Government want to deliberately destroy the Economy and Country.... :lol: BeJesus heard it all now I really have...
And here lies the problem, a man clearly suffering from lockdown hysteria caused by listening to extreme bullshit time and time again and then repeating said bullshit. Honestly your level of stupidity is at at level unknown to mankind, and for that reason alone that makes you a special boy.
if you are capable and can manage to avoid the sherry for a little while longer, please explain to me, in some form of readable text, why in holy fuck we need a vaccine when over 99% of people recover.
And then because you are so special, please like you said you could, rip my arguments to bits, and if you do I’ll will hold my hands up and beg for your forgiveness. However I suspect that you will just come back ranting about government stats and other random shit.

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by h69 »

mkhammer wrote: Mon Jan 11, 2021 2:19 pm How the fuck can you guys ignore whats going on're ignoring someone kicking your arse...
You honestly want to crack on as Normal and forget about it's just a cold....... :lol:

Really cant be bothered to comment any more,thats a real shame...

As for the twat that thinks we shouldn't even have a vaccine for it....C'mon FFS......

And the Government want to deliberately destroy the Economy and Country.... :lol: BeJesus heard it all now I really have...
Agreed Mr was the worst illness I have had since I had pneumonia as a kid.....very similar symptoms as well. If my 91 year old mother caught it she would die. The argument that people will die soon anyway is callous, ridiculous and moronic as it does not mean you just kill them off.

I cant get why people dont think we need a vaccine and as for those that think it is all a govt conspiracy or that Bill Gates is controlling them or that the AstraZeneca one is ok because it is English but the Pfizer one is part of a deep state conspiracy........they are all morons and have nothing better to do than spread bollocks.

Unfortunately those who have elderly relatives die (or a child die in the case of my wife's school) are at the mercy of people who think they should just carry on as normal rather than just protect the rest.

When you hear this bollocks, ask them

1) Where they got their social media degree in Biochemistry
2) When did they get back from burning down 5G masts.

There really is no helping some peoples stupidity. The ones who think it is all deliberate to destroy the economy are normally (but not always) left wing twats who are looking for someone to blame for their failure in life. Cant actually earn money, then blame everyone but their own lazy handout-wanting arses.

I read people actually saying ....oh, it appears all the governments worldwide are overreacting not just ours and they sit there with incredulity that so many governments don't share their view while not realising there appears to be a pattern emerging that maybe their lack of any kind of knowledge on the subject is the reason they dont agree.

...and one saying because we wont beat it, it will be a conspiracy....was Flu ? Much less virulent, kills less people and we haven't beat that mutates.

If they think they know better, why not let them go work in a Covid ward with no mast....of course not one has the bollocks to do it.....mugs.

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Brookbonds73 »

My nieces boyfriend caught this fucking thing a while back. The blokes as fit as fuck, built like a wall and no underlying health issues. It knocked him sideways.
Anyone who thinks this thing's a wind up needs looking at.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Macca666 »

Firstly I ain’t denied people are dying, so let’s get that shit out the way. Pretty sure I ain’t denied people are getting ill either.
However when people start putting up stats that clearly ain’t true, then that’s when I have an issue. Now, Ive read some utter fucking bullshit on this thread and 1 or 2 other threads, where all big boys on here so I’ll name the main culprit, that award goes to MKhammer. I really can’t be arsed to put it all again but here’s 2 classic statements from the mind of a fucking idiot. Covid is killing more people than cancer and 10% of people who get the virus are dying from it. If anyone on here believes either of them statements then we really are in trouble.
When the CDC disputes the figures been released about the number of dead, then that’s when I listen, and not to loonies like Mk, when PHE release a statement back in late March last year claiming Covid is know longer considered a highly contagious infectious disease, then that’s when I listen, not to fucking loonies like Mk.

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Ironworksfc »

mkhammer wrote: Mon Jan 11, 2021 2:19 pm How the fuck can you guys ignore whats going on're ignoring someone kicking your arse...
You honestly want to crack on as Normal and forget about it's just a cold....... :lol:

Really cant be bothered to comment any more,thats a real shame...

As for the twat that thinks we shouldn't even have a vaccine for it....C'mon FFS......

And the Government want to deliberately destroy the Economy and Country.... :lol: BeJesus heard it all now I really have...
Covid 19 is in the same virus family as the common cold, we have a very strong variant of the common cold that kills the same as some variants of influenza.

What do you think happens when the common people are dependent on the state for support? Full population control.
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