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Twitter accusations

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:24 pm
by Gonzo
I just thought that I would post this on here because the accusation is leveled at us and I want the cunt to name names because he's speaking shite.

I'll post the start of the thread to give it some context but basically I'm gobsmacked at the suggestion that we are somehow working as one to push an agenda of some kind. As if the posters are incapable of independent thought.

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Re: Twitter accusations

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:28 pm
by Taranis
Looks like a silly troll trying to stir up shit where there isn't any. What a cunt!

I think this is the most honest West Ham forum I have been on and massive respect to Geo. Kris and the mods for making it what it is.

Twitter has so many wankers on it!

Re: Twitter accusations

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:53 pm
by hammermolder
Living abroad I love this site,always honest opions,some good ,some bad,thats what a good forum is,im very greatful to Geo and gonzo for all the hard work they do.
A shout out to west ham fan tv,its great when the two get together.
I think this gezzer is just trying to get a rise out of you gonzo,james hunt !!
From all us ex pats thanks and keep up the good work coyi whufc_crest

Re: Twitter accusations

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 12:14 am
by Neville Bartos
Definitely on a wind-up. Btw, which forum is this one 'not much better than'?

Re: Twitter accusations

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 1:40 am
by Gonzo
Neville Bartos wrote:Definitely on a wind-up. Btw, which forum is this one 'not much better than'?
I think it's KUMB mate but hard to tell as the op didn't specify.

Did piss me off a bit because we only have two rules which are don't break the law and don't bring people's families into rows.

To be honest there is a wider suggestion by stealth the we are arseholes directed from one area in particular. Clearly this bloke was posting on behalf of someone else and I'm pretty sure I know who.

I would have let it go but know he's talking a load of unsubstantiated old bollocks so I've called his bluff.

Re: Twitter accusations

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 1:45 am
by Gonzo
hammermolder wrote:Living abroad I love this site,always honest opions,some good ,some bad,thats what a good forum is,im very greatful to Geo and gonzo for all the hard work they do.
A shout out to west ham fan tv,its great when the two get together.
I think this gezzer is just trying to get a rise out of you gonzo,james hunt !!
From all us ex pats thanks and keep up the good work coyi whufc_crest
Taranis wrote:Looks like a silly troll trying to stir up shit where there isn't any. What a cunt!

I think this is the most honest West Ham forum I have been on and massive respect to Geo. Kris and the mods for making it what it is.

Twitter has so many wankers on it!
Cheers fellas, wasn't fishing for compliments but just thought I'd keep you informed of something that's been brewing.

Me Geo and the rest wouldn't dream of suggesting that we represent any of you and that's the point.

You're all big and ugly enough to have your own opinions and the suggestion that this site is somehow a collective voice of one singular opinion is a massive load of bollocks.

Re: Twitter accusations

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 1:54 am
by Brookbonds73
Hey you guys!
Okey dokey it was me lol.
I'm so soz if I've offended anyone but I have a devilish streak in me so some of the guys tell me anyway lol.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Lance and I've been a Weast Ham supporter for over a month now and must say, I like what I see.
I especially enjoy the match day experience when myself and the gang knock back a few drinks, (my personal fave is babycham and red bull) and make our way to the magnificent Olympic park London stadium. You can spot me a mile away as I'm the one with the full kit on shirt, shorts, socks, and brown loafers, I get some strange looks, but hey ho I like to get in to the swing of things, so fiddly dee that's what I say lol.
I normally pop in to the shop beforehand and purchase items as I believe all money spent will eventually reap rewards, my latest addition being a payet shirt for just £50, I love him, the goal he scored against Newcastle was just perfection, pity the guys lost 3-2, but that's showbiz, lol.
I get a real feeling of lurrve when entering the stadium and I don't mind telling you guys, I have on more than one occasion become slightly aroused and I've had to dash in and relieve myself with a quick pull of the bishops cranium, a tad embarrassing I know, but damn and blast it to hells what I say, lol.
Before the match starts I join in with the traditional anthem of I'm forever building baubles and then the match starts.
The crowd roars, and the mighty hamlets are off and running, eleven sweatsoaked, muscle rippling men, with tight shorts, grunting and groaning with every tackle and kick of the ball, I'm in heaven, I don't mind telling you, lol!
And then it's half time, and I'm in the toilet, this time for a piddle, I hold my member with four fingers but unfortunately I urinate over three of them, but what the hell, I'm among my own, lol.
The second half begins, i squelch in to my seat, the crowd erupts, we score!!!!
I'm elated I kiss the man next to my friend Jeremy who threatens to punch me around Stratford, but I know he really wants to grab me and return my kiss but is just too shy, lololol.
The ref blows, we've won, promotion here we come I shout, lol.
And then the journey home, making full use of the expert transport provided, it's been a long day, I can't wait to get back to the shagpad (titter, titter, scoff, scoff, lol) and relive my day to tremain and the gang, they'll be dead excited.
So as you can see, I'm sorry if I've caused confusion and do hope that I can join you guys on the boats at some stage. The babychams are on me!!! Lololol
Yours sincerely Lance.

P.s come on you claret and blues.

Re: Twitter accusations

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 2:54 am
by Chicken Runner
Man there are some pathetic individuals about... :roll:
This is the best site on the net imo, bar none!
You can talk as much rubbish as you want :lol: I know cos I certainly talk my share...

As an ex-pat this site brings the world of West Ham to us all and give us a chance to have our say via the "Your Shout" videos, interviews, live video's during game time and good old Cuppa Tea. Check em out! No agenda or editing there.

Geo, Gonzo and the lads do a fantastic job devoting huge amounts of time to make this site what it is today. This is a very professionally done site run by top lads. I was really glad the day I came across this site and I'm proud to be a part of this community. Thanks to Geo, Gonzo and all the mods and others that contribute to make this site the best on the web. Don't believe me?...try it and see for yourself.

Take the high road fellas....don't let a few idiots get you down.
Keep up the excellent work!
Love you guys!

Re: Twitter accusations

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:34 am
by Neville Bartos
Gonzo wrote:
Neville Bartos wrote:Definitely on a wind-up. Btw, which forum is this one 'not much better than'?
I think it's KUMB mate but hard to tell as the op didn't specify.

Did piss me off a bit because we only have two rules which are don't break the law and don't bring people's families into rows.

To be honest there is a wider suggestion by stealth the we are arseholes directed from one area in particular. Clearly this bloke was posting on behalf of someone else and I'm pretty sure I know who.

I would have let it go but know he's talking a load of unsubstantiated old bollocks so I've called his bluff.
Keep up the good work, Gonzo. You and everyone else involved with HC do a smashing job.
You'll always get small minded individuals, who for one reason or another, want to have a pop.

Re: Twitter accusations

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 7:36 am
by Penguin
Happy to confirm CH is definitely not a pre-teen!

The general rule of foruming applies here - no matter what you do, someone will criticise it from one direction, and someone else will criticise it for the polar opposite. I certainly can’t see any set agenda on here, and the board are subject to fair comment. Most importantly, the mods here don’t moderate views that are contrary to their own, which is the key to discussion.