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BBC scum at it yet again

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 9:23 pm
by Rick_Deckard
Sorry no link.
On now, the brave BBC trying to denigrate and fuck over our troops...again... cunts
and then i read how they pay jug ears loinacher £1million a year to talk about footie and give is unwanted political opinions

Re: BBC scum at it yet again

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:11 pm
by Dwayne Pipes
A pity they can never expose and infiltrate Muslim grooming and rape gangs that are fucking rife on the streets of Britain ,then again the BBC go hand in hand with child molesters.

Re: BBC scum at it yet again

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 10:04 am
by BlackDiamond
There have been a number of criminal allegations directed towards British personnel in Afghanistan. This is hardly surprising, given that in 2020 the international criminal court found evidence that British troops committed war crimes in Iraq.

That is what the ICC determined but was strongly challenged by the MoD (denied) and the ICC then declined to prosecute (palms were greased)

But you don't want to go through that again, do you...

So it would be a good idea to setup a framework to make you legally bulletproof, when fingers are pointed; which is why the UK government, tried to make it almost impossible to prosecute war crimes with legislation last year.

That might send a strong message, that the UK government think 'foreign lives don't matter'. But in a country of enthusiastic knee-takers, that can't be right, can it ?

Personally I lost the two fucks I had years ago...