Its got to get worse...Saturday was only the start

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Re: Its got to get worse...Saturday was only the start

Post by Whiskyman »

Romford wrote:
Whiskyman wrote:
Wasn't that Blackburn mate ? The point is still a good one though. Just as difficult a journey, particularly in midweek.
Matty Taylor scored a was Burnley
You are of course correct. I was getting mixed up with the F A Cup game at Blackburn about 20 years ago we won in a shoot out.

My excuse is I've never been that much into the League Cup. ;)
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Re: Its got to get worse...Saturday was only the start

Post by Romford »

Whiskyman wrote:
Wasn't that Blackburn mate ? The point is still a good one though. Just as difficult a journey, particularly in midweek.
Add in that we were in the 2nd level at that point...and the extra games that come because of that.

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Re: Its got to get worse...Saturday was only the start

Post by h69 »

Romford wrote:
h69 wrote:
Hi Romford

Fair enough on your mate but it was a stupid thing to do.

I thought the support was shit on Saturday, People were sitting their in silence waiting for a problem, granted it was a poor performance (by both teams first half) but it was pisspoor. Atmosphere is from people not a ground....we managed even against Leicester let alone Spurs and Chelsea...why not now when they need us...It was good at Brighton and Liverpool though I agree just a bit pissed off. Just listening to the media and some mates this morning it seems we are being made to look very stupid and that I do not like.

Anyway, my view is my view....I'm not forcing it on anyone but I would watch West Ham and support them on Hackney marshes (if it was still there) playing in pink with no logo, no bar and no toilets if I had to....I would support the team no matter what and all the rest is just a load of bollocks to me.
Very stupid....although he is a big socialist so standing there with a flag is second nature 8-)
:lol: :lol:

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Re: Its got to get worse...Saturday was only the start

Post by mkhammer »

houseclaret wrote:
Whiskyman wrote:I think it's quite likely to happen but to answer your question , no, I wouldn't be happy about it.

Reason being quite simply that as I've just posted in a reply to Pale and serious new owner would realise that, as the 4th team in London, a massive investment would be needed just to push us up to a level where we can compete with, never mind beat, the other 3. And investors buy clubs to make money. London looks to have it's quota of so called top clubs at the moment.
Serious couple of questions here from a Claret (Burnley). First off what is all this business about wanting to compete with the top 6? I know it would be a nice dream as it would with us but the fact is you have never competed at the top level really have you? You are a London club with decent support but historically you have never broke any pots trophy wise have you? And, unlike Burnley (twice) you have never been champions (3rd place I think is your best effort) so why do some of your fans (not all I admit) seem to think that West Ham have some right to be at or near the top?
Secondly why did some of your fans decide to completely ruin the day for their own fans by putting your own players off in a game that, to be fair, you were doing quite well in until we scored? After our first goal and the subsequent pitch invasion your players packed in completely. A game that took us an hour to get into suddenly became a cake walk. Admittedly the introduction of Wood at half time changed us massively but even at 0-1 you could have still been in the game.
What is it that some of your fans actually want? You hate the stadium, I get that, but your old ground is gone so there is no going back. You want rid of the owners, why? What is it they have done wrong? Have they not, in the eyes of fans, spent enough money? To do what with? Try to achieve a level of success you have never really known? West Ham are, and I'm not being insulting here, just a fairly ordinary club with decent support who have spent most of their history under-achieving, so why suddenly do some fans think you are a sleeping giant?
I support a club who variously have over-achieved and been completely in the doldrums (I was at the Orient game in the 80's when we nearly went out of the league) so I have known the ups and downs of football in a major way. I, like every other Burnley fan, am enjoying the ride at the moment but we are realistic enough to know that it probably won't last, not in the long term anyway, and unless someone comes along with more money than sense we will never compete with the big six.
Come on guys, put yourselves into perspective and start being realistic, look at the positives, you are not even in a relegation place yet and Moyes is a great manager, the only thing that will send you down will be idiots like Saturday destroying the players confidence and making them fear for their safety. It was so visible on Saturday that that was the case.
Please note that I have asked questions and made observations, my post has not been meant in any way to insult your club or your fans.

Appreciate you coming on mate and a good post,and always enjoy speaking with fans from
other clubs.....won't go on to much as already been some great answers IMO...

But the one main point is...we were told the the Present owners were taking West Ham on because
they were fans....and would be quite happy with a break even situation,and were buying our
debts,and paying them off.....70/100 mill ball park,we then later found out they were charging
the club.....they now own..
..... 7% interest on loans they made to the club,so basically,our debts weren't decreasing at all
the club itself was just getting further in debt to these's a form of asset stripping...
Taking money out when you should be investing,back into the club.
Most buyers of football clubs come in with interest free loans,and their not FANS usually,
I could handle 3/4% but 7......might as well have gone to Doshforu,com.

Then the move comes along......A lot of people reckon that was the main reason they took
over as Majority shareholders,they knew we were practically nailed on to get it,so they actually
wanted the stadium not us...
We all know about the promises,of this and that,but the thing is they have 52,000 ST Holders,
Trust me there's not a club in Europe let alone the UK that can do that,with our abysmal record,
Won F all for god knows how long,Relegations every 7/8 years....were not here for the glory...

What pisses us lot off is basically wheres the dosh,West Ham are raking it in,and we're
signing average unproven players from a League below,and guys looking for a payday,good
as they might have been.
Anyone else with a modicum of knowledge on how to run a Football club,would have been far better
than these guys,they really are clueless...and they need to know we know...they had it handed on a
plate...and their gonna get us relegated by the look of it...

They even slag our own players off...seriously WTF.......
I'll cut them a small piece of slack.....cos our injuries have been usual,but
in our position you should have a decent squad of players to cover it...

I'm gonna shut up ....makes me angry.... :lol:

All the best to Burnley .....chuffed seeing you lot up there....breathe of fresh air in the shitty PL..

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Re: Its got to get worse...Saturday was only the start

Post by HamburgHammer »

I think something's gotta give at the club, sooner rather than later.
I cannot see the owners carrying on like this for even another two or three seasons.

Unless Gold's daughters want to keep the shares I reckon his stake will be for sale fairly soon anyway. As we know Gold is 81 already. He should get some peace and quiet, feeding the ducks in the park rather than staying in the shark tank of running a football club.

We are approaching the endgame and it may get even uglier before it gets resolved. Board need to either sell or slip into the background and hand over the reign to professionals who know how to run a club.


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Re: Its got to get worse...Saturday was only the start

Post by andyginbrasil »

HamburgHammer wrote:I think something's gotta give at the club, sooner rather than later.
I cannot see the owners carrying on like this for even another two or three seasons.

Unless Gold's daughters want to keep the shares I reckon his stake will be for sale fairly soon anyway. As we know Gold is 81 already. He should get some peace and quiet, feeding the ducks in the park rather than staying in the shark tank of running a football club.

We are approaching the endgame and it may get even uglier before it gets resolved. Board need to either sell or slip into the background and hand over the reign to professionals who know how to run a club.

what we need is Albert ‘Tripp’ Smith to buy out Golds share that would give him 45% of the club, Get his consortium on board and then go for Sullivan's part, ATS is used to dealing and running large enterprises. He already owns 10% of the club, and I don't think Sullivan could work alongside him,......

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Re: Its got to get worse...Saturday was only the start

Post by houseclaret »

Just like to say a big thanks to all who have tried to explain the situation after my post. Our two clubs are very similar (apart your support which comes from being in London as opposed to a town of 75k population - United get more than that at a home game). Anyway guys here is a thought from 'outside', I don't believe you will go down (even though history suggest you're due a relegation ;) ) and you do have a good manager. We know a lot about Moyes up here due to his days at Preston who are a bit of a rival (unlike Blackburn for us - think Millwall in your case - who are deadly foes) and to a lesser extent at Everton, if he's given the opportunity he will see you fine. Your fan base is superb for a club who have a moderate history in terms of trophies but I do feel for you in that stadium, unfortunately it ain't a football ground and it means you have to make a helluva noise to create an atmosphere. I'd love for us to have a bigger ground but I would never sacrifice the atmosphere, which often makes us the 12th man.
In answer to the guy who asked if I ever went to Upton Park the answer is yes, I once went many years ago and got so drunk before the game I didn't see the first half, just sat on the terrace with my head in my hands, I watched the second half with a hangover.
Best of luck guys, you've had a bit to put up with recently but keep those idiots under control or they will send you down for sure, and I don't really think anyone wants that for the Hammers.

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Re: Its got to get worse...Saturday was only the start

Post by mkhammer »

houseclaret wrote:Just like to say a big thanks to all who have tried to explain the situation after my post. Our two clubs are very similar (apart your support which comes from being in London as opposed to a town of 75k population - United get more than that at a home game). Anyway guys here is a thought from 'outside', I don't believe you will go down (even though history suggest you're due a relegation ;) ) and you do have a good manager. We know a lot about Moyes up here due to his days at Preston who are a bit of a rival (unlike Blackburn for us - think Millwall in your case - who are deadly foes) and to a lesser extent at Everton, if he's given the opportunity he will see you fine. Your fan base is superb for a club who have a moderate history in terms of trophies but I do feel for you in that stadium, unfortunately it ain't a football ground and it means you have to make a helluva noise to create an atmosphere. I'd love for us to have a bigger ground but I would never sacrifice the atmosphere, which often makes us the 12th man.
In answer to the guy who asked if I ever went to Upton Park the answer is yes, I once went many years ago and got so drunk before the game I didn't see the first half, just sat on the terrace with my head in my hands, I watched the second half with a hangover.
Best of luck guys, you've had a bit to put up with recently but keep those idiots under control or they will send you down for sure, and I don't really think anyone wants that for the Hammers.

Cheers mate....we all watch West Ham drunk with our heads in our hands,nothing new
for us.... :lol:

Don't be a stranger mate...

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Re: Its got to get worse...Saturday was only the start

Post by terrya1965 »

mkhammer wrote:
houseclaret wrote: Serious couple of questions here from a Claret (Burnley). First off what is all this business about wanting to compete with the top 6? I know it would be a nice dream as it would with us but the fact is you have never competed at the top level really have you? You are a London club with decent support but historically you have never broke any pots trophy wise have you? And, unlike Burnley (twice) you have never been champions (3rd place I think is your best effort) so why do some of your fans (not all I admit) seem to think that West Ham have some right to be at or near the top?
Secondly why did some of your fans decide to completely ruin the day for their own fans by putting your own players off in a game that, to be fair, you were doing quite well in until we scored? After our first goal and the subsequent pitch invasion your players packed in completely. A game that took us an hour to get into suddenly became a cake walk. Admittedly the introduction of Wood at half time changed us massively but even at 0-1 you could have still been in the game.
What is it that some of your fans actually want? You hate the stadium, I get that, but your old ground is gone so there is no going back. You want rid of the owners, why? What is it they have done wrong? Have they not, in the eyes of fans, spent enough money? To do what with? Try to achieve a level of success you have never really known? West Ham are, and I'm not being insulting here, just a fairly ordinary club with decent support who have spent most of their history under-achieving, so why suddenly do some fans think you are a sleeping giant?
I support a club who variously have over-achieved and been completely in the doldrums (I was at the Orient game in the 80's when we nearly went out of the league) so I have known the ups and downs of football in a major way. I, like every other Burnley fan, am enjoying the ride at the moment but we are realistic enough to know that it probably won't last, not in the long term anyway, and unless someone comes along with more money than sense we will never compete with the big six.

Come on guys, put yourselves into perspective and start being realistic, look at the positives, you are not even in a relegation place yet and Moyes is a great manager, the only thing that will send you down will be idiots like Saturday destroying the players confidence and making them fear for their safety. It was so visible on Saturday that that was the case.
Please note that I have asked questions and made observations, my post has not been meant in any way to insult your club or your fans.

Appreciate you coming on mate and a good post,and always enjoy speaking with fans from
other clubs.....won't go on to much as already been some great answers IMO...

But the one main point is...we were told the the Present owners were taking West Ham on because
they were fans....and would be quite happy with a break even situation,and were buying our
debts,and paying them off.....70/100 mill ball park,we then later found out they were charging
the club.....they now own..
..... 7% interest on loans they made to the club,so basically,our debts weren't decreasing at all
the club itself was just getting further in debt to these's a form of asset stripping...
Taking money out when you should be investing,back into the club.
Most buyers of football clubs come in with interest free loans,and their not FANS usually,
I could handle 3/4% but 7......might as well have gone to Doshforu,com.

Then the move comes along......A lot of people reckon that was the main reason they took
over as Majority shareholders,they knew we were practically nailed on to get it,so they actually
wanted the stadium not us...
We all know about the promises,of this and that,but the thing is they have 52,000 ST Holders,
Trust me there's not a club in Europe let alone the UK that can do that,with our abysmal record,
Won F all for god knows how long,Relegations every 7/8 years....were not here for the glory...

What pisses us lot off is basically wheres the dosh,West Ham are raking it in,and we're
signing average unproven players from a League below,and guys looking for a payday,good
as they might have been.
Anyone else with a modicum of knowledge on how to run a Football club,would have been far better
than these guys,they really are clueless...and they need to know we know...they had it handed on a
plate...and their gonna get us relegated by the look of it...

They even slag our own players off...seriously WTF.......
I'll cut them a small piece of slack.....cos our injuries have been usual,but
in our position you should have a decent squad of players to cover it...

I'm gonna shut up ....makes me angry.... :i am genuinely amused:

All the best to Burnley .....chuffed seeing you lot up there....breathe of fresh air in the shitty PL..

They know us fans will turn up,no matter what and have taken advantage of that situation.They knew this could be a "Goldmine" for them,but because of their ignorance and incompetence,it is now turning into a "Landmine".

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Re: Its got to get worse...Saturday was only the start

Post by ToneLoc » ... 88646.html" onclick=";return false;

Another whitewash.
He'll deploy a fucking puppet.
Fancy calling your only son "Barnestoneworth"
He's got another name....

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