Embarrassing moments

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Re: Embarrassing moments

Post by BCHammer »

I have shit myself in public twice... both were embarrassing

First time, a much older brother of a friend of mine came to stay with us for a weekend, kind of a stuffy extra polite type who worked in the upper echelons of the bank of England. Anyway, we went for a walk along the river after dinner to stretch his legs and get some fresh air after the long flight from London. Then it happened, things started to move. There were some public toilets, but quite a bit in the opposite direction to where we parked, there was no way I was going to make it and it was quite an open area. I told the wife to keep him talking and walking, and I dived behind the only bush that offered any privacy - a holly bush! Havent been surrounded by that many pricks since I was at white shart lane... Anyway, the molten lava had already started filling the shorts as I fumbled with my belt and got myself into a squat behind this bush as inquisitive dogs came to check out the fair aroma, followed by their owners... upon completion, the dry leaves were not cutting it as bog roll. Actually they were, literally, as most were holly leaves.... so I made the executive decision, the shorts were already ruined, they would have to be the mop up rag. And so it was, I had to remove my shoes & jeans as discreetly as possible, wipe up and put back on, all in a public space and went back commando to my truck and threw the thoroughly soiled underwear in the bed of my pickup and proceeded to the toilets for a clean up, hoping and praying that would be it until we got home, the protective layer was gone... I did and I never found out what my wife told the banker was going on. When he went to bed, I went back out to the truck to retrieve the shorts and throw them straight in the dumpster...

Second time we were at the airport watching planes, when I could feel it... I took off up the road, as rapidly as I deemed safe, but to where I had no idea, home was out of the question and McDonalds was a long shot. I had gone less than a mile, still alongside the runway, when I knew... I pulled over, grabbed a notebook I had in the center consol (I remembered the lack of paper from last time....) and took off up a dirt track leading to a construction site. I climbed over the barrier, which was a near fatal mistake, but made it over and it was kind of up an incline and round a bend, looking around for some privacy from the road. There was none, until I looked down and saw the drainage ditch! I climbed down the little embankment, dropped my drawers and straddled over the little ditch and let it go. Excellent I thought, didnt soil myself! And theres even water, albeit muddy drainage water to wash my hands! I was just tearing pages out of my notebook and wiping when a cap appeared up the little hill round the bend, then the head and beard, then I saw his uniform and the weapons on his belt. I had been spotted legging it over the fence into private property in a sensitive area, by a runway. He quickly sized up the situation, and ended up flat out laughing as I quickly explained - sorry sir, its those egg and tuna sandwiches she gave me, I couldnt make it anywhere else....

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Re: Embarrassing moments

Post by Marco Boogers Boots »

BCHammer wrote:I have shit myself in public twice... both were embarrassing

First time, a much older brother of a friend of mine came to stay with us for a weekend, kind of a stuffy extra polite type who worked in the upper echelons of the bank of England. Anyway, we went for a walk along the river after dinner to stretch his legs and get some fresh air after the long flight from London. Then it happened, things started to move. There were some public toilets, but quite a bit in the opposite direction to where we parked, there was no way I was going to make it and it was quite an open area. I told the wife to keep him talking and walking, and I dived behind the only bush that offered any privacy - a holly bush! Havent been surrounded by that many pricks since I was at white shart lane... Anyway, the molten lava had already started filling the shorts as I fumbled with my belt and got myself into a squat behind this bush as inquisitive dogs came to check out the fair aroma, followed by their owners... upon completion, the dry leaves were not cutting it as bog roll. Actually they were, literally, as most were holly leaves.... so I made the executive decision, the shorts were already ruined, they would have to be the mop up rag. And so it was, I had to remove my shoes & jeans as discreetly as possible, wipe up and put back on, all in a public space and went back commando to my truck and threw the thoroughly soiled underwear in the bed of my pickup and proceeded to the toilets for a clean up, hoping and praying that would be it until we got home, the protective layer was gone... I did and I never found out what my wife told the banker was going on. When he went to bed, I went back out to the truck to retrieve the shorts and throw them straight in the dumpster...

Second time we were at the airport watching planes, when I could feel it... I took off up the road, as rapidly as I deemed safe, but to where I had no idea, home was out of the question and McDonalds was a long shot. I had gone less than a mile, still alongside the runway, when I knew... I pulled over, grabbed a notebook I had in the center consol (I remembered the lack of paper from last time....) and took off up a dirt track leading to a construction site. I climbed over the barrier, which was a near fatal mistake, but made it over and it was kind of up an incline and round a bend, looking around for some privacy from the road. There was none, until I looked down and saw the drainage ditch! I climbed down the little embankment, dropped my drawers and straddled over the little ditch and let it go. Excellent I thought, didnt soil myself! And theres even water, albeit muddy drainage water to wash my hands! I was just tearing pages out of my notebook and wiping when a cap appeared up the little hill round the bend, then the head and beard, then I saw his uniform and the weapons on his belt. I had been spotted legging it over the fence into private property in a sensitive area, by a runway. He quickly sized up the situation, and ended up flat out laughing as I quickly explained - sorry sir, its those egg and tuna sandwiches she gave me, I couldnt make it anywhere else....
Tuna AND egg??

TOGETHER?? :shock:

In the same sandwich?

You deserved the shits, you dirty bastard!!! :lol:

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Re: Embarrassing moments

Post by Flairon »

Raven wrote:Okay, this is hugely embaressing, and to this day I cringe with the painful memories.

I had a bit of a dodgy tummy, but insisted on taking on the train trip to Bristol( fuckng game was eventually postponed).

I realised before I even stepped off the underground that my sphincter was gonna let me down at some point. Anyway, had a crafty shit at the bogs at Bethnal Green and then proceeded with a confident and purposeful stride (I now know that it was a false sense of security).

My somewhat confident stride was very misleading, Before I knew it I had shit covered croutons seeping ( creeping) out of my aresehole area.

Although I Managed to find sanctuary at the bogs in Paddington, the damage was well and truely done at that point.

Shit, shit, shit, how on earth am I gonna recover this shit fuck of a situation? No worries, I bought a pair of underpants from some poncy store at Paddington ( only to subsequently discover that they were in fact knickers....felt nice though).

Nearly Shit myself three times on the journey to Bristol Parkway, but at least the bog was close to hand.

This has been a very carthtic experience. :mrgreen:
LOL, I feel your pain. I once had discard my underpants in a McDonalds toilet.

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Re: Embarrassing moments

Post by Gonzo »

I have IBS and my sympathies are with all the shitting stories.

I could do 4 or 5 ones of my own but we'll save the story from the cafe in Bognor Regis for another day.

This one happened about a month ago and requires a fair bit of imagination and some creative writing so I'll supply pictures and set the scene.

This is a map of my house and the three main areas in question so it's important that you familiarise yourselves with the front door, downstairs bog and the route to the kitchen.
Map.jpg (373.6 KiB) Viewed 3829 times

I had popped home for some lunch but time was of the essence, I wanted cheese on toast, a cuppa and a Donald Trump. In order to save time my intention was to put the grill on to warm up and boil the kettle whilst I had a shit. Upon sitting down I realised that I'd forgotten the kettle and grill but I'd not yet started the dump so I stood up with my trousers still around my ankles.

Now I should probably point out that my work trousers are a fucking hassle, they are full of tools, have about 8 pockets and because of the belt, buttons and Velcro take about 30 seconds to do up. The missus was at the hospital working and the kids were at school so I decided to waddle out to the kitchen with my trousers around my ankles.

This turned out to be more of a struggle than I'd previously anticipated but as luck would have it my sons scooter was right by the front door.
scooter.jpg (232.74 KiB) Viewed 3826 times
I jumped on and with one gentle push I was on my way to the kitchen where I coasted up to the oven. I switched on the grill then flicked on the kettle then flipped the trusty scooter around to begin my journey back to the loo when . . . . . . . . . . FUCK . . . . .OH SHIT. . . . . stood no more than 3 meters away from me at my front door was my wife's mate Nicole. She was posting something through the door but the kitchen window overlooks the front path and all she had to do was look left to see me.

For all I fucking knew she'd already seen me but I froze. I was aware that I was probably just out of her periphery and if I made any movement at all she may turn around and look. I had a 50/50 chance, if she turned right after posting the note she'd not see me but if she turned left I was fucked . . . . . . . she turned left. :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

There I was stood in the middle of my kitchen on my sons scooter with my trousers around my ankles and she looked straight at me. She then did the most British thing I've seen in a long time and pretended to be looking at the fucking bird feeder by the window. I'm stood there not moving and she is giving an acting performance worthy of Mark Whalberg as she pretended to be interested in the bird feeder and trying desperately not to look at me. After the longest 10 seconds of my life she fucked off.

Remarkably I didn't give too much of a fuck until two days later when my missus informed me that my eldest daughter had gone to Nicole's house after school to do homework with her daughter and could I collect her? :shock: :shock:

At that point I had to come clean and tell my wife "In all honesty luv , i don't think I'm ever going to be able to see Nicole ever again and quite frankly it's probably best if you terminate your friendship".

The missus has not stopped laughing and is impressed with the workmanship of the scooter for holding my weight but I've told her to never tell me if Nicole says anything . . . . . .ever!

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Re: Embarrassing moments

Post by eastcoastclaret »

Gonzo, I’m still laughing fella. Superb
My ribs are killing me
gonna need a bigger boat...my thumbs have gone weird...weleese bwian...I didn't eat the salmon mousse...nice beaver...like a glove...I have nipples Greg...the details of my life...he's not the messiah....

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Re: Embarrassing moments

Post by Raven »

BCHammer wrote:I have shit myself in public twice... both were embarrassing

First time, a much older brother of a friend of mine came to stay with us for a weekend, kind of a stuffy extra polite type who worked in the upper echelons of the bank of England. Anyway, we went for a walk along the river after dinner to stretch his legs and get some fresh air after the long flight from London. Then it happened, things started to move. There were some public toilets, but quite a bit in the opposite direction to where we parked, there was no way I was going to make it and it was quite an open area. I told the wife to keep him talking and walking, and I dived behind the only bush that offered any privacy - a holly bush! Havent been surrounded by that many pricks since I was at white shart lane... Anyway, the molten lava had already started filling the shorts as I fumbled with my belt and got myself into a squat behind this bush as inquisitive dogs came to check out the fair aroma, followed by their owners... upon completion, the dry leaves were not cutting it as bog roll. Actually they were, literally, as most were holly leaves.... so I made the executive decision, the shorts were already ruined, they would have to be the mop up rag. And so it was, I had to remove my shoes & jeans as discreetly as possible, wipe up and put back on, all in a public space and went back commando to my truck and threw the thoroughly soiled underwear in the bed of my pickup and proceeded to the toilets for a clean up, hoping and praying that would be it until we got home, the protective layer was gone... I did and I never found out what my wife told the banker was going on. When he went to bed, I went back out to the truck to retrieve the shorts and throw them straight in the dumpster...

Second time we were at the airport watching planes, when I could feel it... I took off up the road, as rapidly as I deemed safe, but to where I had no idea, home was out of the question and McDonalds was a long shot. I had gone less than a mile, still alongside the runway, when I knew... I pulled over, grabbed a notebook I had in the center consol (I remembered the lack of paper from last time....) and took off up a dirt track leading to a construction site. I climbed over the barrier, which was a near fatal mistake, but made it over and it was kind of up an incline and round a bend, looking around for some privacy from the road. There was none, until I looked down and saw the drainage ditch! I climbed down the little embankment, dropped my drawers and straddled over the little ditch and let it go. Excellent I thought, didnt soil myself! And theres even water, albeit muddy drainage water to wash my hands! I was just tearing pages out of my notebook and wiping when a cap appeared up the little hill round the bend, then the head and beard, then I saw his uniform and the weapons on his belt. I had been spotted legging it over the fence into private property in a sensitive area, by a runway. He quickly sized up the situation, and ended up flat out laughing as I quickly explained - sorry sir, its those egg and tuna sandwiches she gave me, I couldnt make it anywhere else....

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Re: Embarrassing moments

Post by Raven »

Quality two pack

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Re: Embarrassing moments

Post by JayK »

Gonzo wrote:I have IBS and my sympathies are with all the shitting stories.

I could do 4 or 5 ones of my own but we'll save the story from the cafe in Bognor Regis for another day.

This one happened about a month ago and requires a fair bit of imagination and some creative writing so I'll supply pictures and set the scene.

This is a map of my house and the three main areas in question so it's important that you familiarise yourselves with the front door, downstairs bog and the route to the kitchen.



I had popped home for some lunch but time was of the essence, I wanted cheese on toast, a cuppa and a Donald Trump. In order to save time my intention was to put the grill on to warm up and boil the kettle whilst I had a shit. Upon sitting down I realised that I'd forgotten the kettle and grill but I'd not yet started the dump so I stood up with my trousers still around my ankles.

Now I should probably point out that my work trousers are a fucking hassle, they are full of tools, have about 8 pockets and because of the belt, buttons and Velcro take about 30 seconds to do up. The missus was at the hospital working and the kids were at school so I decided to waddle out to the kitchen with my trousers around my ankles.

This turned out to be more of a struggle than I'd previously anticipated but as luck would have it my sons scooter was right by the front door.

I jumped on and with one gentle push I was on my way to the kitchen where I coasted up to the oven. I switched on the grill then flicked on the kettle then flipped the trusty scooter around to begin my journey back to the loo when . . . . . . . . . . FUCK . . . . .OH SHIT. . . . . stood no more than 3 meters away from me at my front door was my wife's mate Nicole. She was posting something through the door but the kitchen window overlooks the front path and all she had to do was look left to see me.

For all I fucking knew she'd already seen me but I froze. I was aware that I was probably just out of her periphery and if I made any movement at all she may turn around and look. I had a 50/50 chance, if she turned right after posting the note she'd not see me but if she turned left I was fucked . . . . . . . she turned left. :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

There I was stood in the middle of my kitchen on my sons scooter with my trousers around my ankles and she looked straight at me. She then did the most British thing I've seen in a long time and pretended to be looking at the fucking bird feeder by the window. I'm stood there not moving and she is giving an acting performance worthy of Mark Whalberg as she pretended to be interested in the bird feeder and trying desperately not to look at me. After the longest 10 seconds of my life she fucked off.

Remarkably I didn't give too much of a fuck until two days later when my missus informed me that my eldest daughter had gone to Nicole's house after school to do homework with her daughter and could I collect her? :shock: :shock:

At that point I had to come clean and tell my wife "In all honesty luv , i don't think I'm ever going to be able to see Nicole ever again and quite frankly it's probably best if you terminate your friendship".

The missus has not stopped laughing and is impressed with the workmanship of the scooter for holding my weight but I've told her to never tell me if Nicole says anything . . . . . .ever!
Brilliant!! When’s Mrs Gonzo next on the boats? :lol:

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Re: Embarrassing moments

Post by Raven »

Gonzo wrote:I have IBS and my sympathies are with all the shitting stories.

I could do 4 or 5 ones of my own but we'll save the story from the cafe in Bognor Regis for another day.

This one happened about a month ago and requires a fair bit of imagination and some creative writing so I'll supply pictures and set the scene.

This is a map of my house and the three main areas in question so it's important that you familiarise yourselves with the front door, downstairs bog and the route to the kitchen.



I had popped home for some lunch but time was of the essence, I wanted cheese on toast, a cuppa and a Donald Trump. In order to save time my intention was to put the grill on to warm up and boil the kettle whilst I had a shit. Upon sitting down I realised that I'd forgotten the kettle and grill but I'd not yet started the dump so I stood up with my trousers still around my ankles.

Now I should probably point out that my work trousers are a fucking hassle, they are full of tools, have about 8 pockets and because of the belt, buttons and Velcro take about 30 seconds to do up. The missus was at the hospital working and the kids were at school so I decided to waddle out to the kitchen with my trousers around my ankles.

This turned out to be more of a struggle than I'd previously anticipated but as luck would have it my sons scooter was right by the front door.

I jumped on and with one gentle push I was on my way to the kitchen where I coasted up to the oven. I switched on the grill then flicked on the kettle then flipped the trusty scooter around to begin my journey back to the loo when . . . . . . . . . . FUCK . . . . .OH SHIT. . . . . stood no more than 3 meters away from me at my front door was my wife's mate Nicole. She was posting something through the door but the kitchen window overlooks the front path and all she had to do was look left to see me.

For all I fucking knew she'd already seen me but I froze. I was aware that I was probably just out of her periphery and if I made any movement at all she may turn around and look. I had a 50/50 chance, if she turned right after posting the note she'd not see me but if she turned left I was fucked . . . . . . . she turned left. :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

There I was stood in the middle of my kitchen on my sons scooter with my trousers around my ankles and she looked straight at me. She then did the most British thing I've seen in a long time and pretended to be looking at the fucking bird feeder by the window. I'm stood there not moving and she is giving an acting performance worthy of Mark Whalberg as she pretended to be interested in the bird feeder and trying desperately not to look at me. After the longest 10 seconds of my life she fucked off.

Remarkably I didn't give too much of a fuck until two days later when my missus informed me that my eldest daughter had gone to Nicole's house after school to do homework with her daughter and could I collect her? :shock: :shock:

At that point I had to come clean and tell my wife "In all honesty luv , i don't think I'm ever going to be able to see Nicole ever again and quite frankly it's probably best if you terminate your friendship".

The missus has not stopped laughing and is impressed with the workmanship of the scooter for holding my weight but I've told her to never tell me if Nicole says anything . . . . . .ever!


Fuck, I had a cheeky vindaloo earlier, which was quite innocentlly sailing within my tranquil Sea of a digestive tract, until I hit your story, which became my storm in the sense that I laughed so much I hit temptesturous waters......I then, with no sense of foreboding involuntarily shit myself. Yes, I am deeply embarressed, but at least managed to Throw my shitty underwear over the, not very nice neighbours, fence . The neighbours will predictably blame the 'Travellers' and I will blame the lingering smell of shit on my ageing dog.

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Re: Embarrassing moments

Post by grandad »

Gonzo wrote:I have IBS and my sympathies are with all the shitting stories.

I could do 4 or 5 ones of my own but we'll save the story from the cafe in Bognor Regis for another day.

This one happened about a month ago and requires a fair bit of imagination and some creative writing so I'll supply pictures and set the scene.

This is a map of my house and the three main areas in question so it's important that you familiarise yourselves with the front door, downstairs bog and the route to the kitchen.



I had popped home for some lunch but time was of the essence, I wanted cheese on toast, a cuppa and a Donald Trump. In order to save time my intention was to put the grill on to warm up and boil the kettle whilst I had a shit. Upon sitting down I realised that I'd forgotten the kettle and grill but I'd not yet started the dump so I stood up with my trousers still around my ankles.

Now I should probably point out that my work trousers are a fucking hassle, they are full of tools, have about 8 pockets and because of the belt, buttons and Velcro take about 30 seconds to do up. The missus was at the hospital working and the kids were at school so I decided to waddle out to the kitchen with my trousers around my ankles.

This turned out to be more of a struggle than I'd previously anticipated but as luck would have it my sons scooter was right by the front door.

I jumped on and with one gentle push I was on my way to the kitchen where I coasted up to the oven. I switched on the grill then flicked on the kettle then flipped the trusty scooter around to begin my journey back to the loo when . . . . . . . . . . FUCK . . . . .OH SHIT. . . . . stood no more than 3 meters away from me at my front door was my wife's mate Nicole. She was posting something through the door but the kitchen window overlooks the front path and all she had to do was look left to see me.

For all I fucking knew she'd already seen me but I froze. I was aware that I was probably just out of her periphery and if I made any movement at all she may turn around and look. I had a 50/50 chance, if she turned right after posting the note she'd not see me but if she turned left I was fucked . . . . . . . she turned left. :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

There I was stood in the middle of my kitchen on my sons scooter with my trousers around my ankles and she looked straight at me. She then did the most British thing I've seen in a long time and pretended to be looking at the fucking bird feeder by the window. I'm stood there not moving and she is giving an acting performance worthy of Mark Whalberg as she pretended to be interested in the bird feeder and trying desperately not to look at me. After the longest 10 seconds of my life she fucked off.

Remarkably I didn't give too much of a fuck until two days later when my missus informed me that my eldest daughter had gone to Nicole's house after school to do homework with her daughter and could I collect her? :shock: :shock:

At that point I had to come clean and tell my wife "In all honesty luv , i don't think I'm ever going to be able to see Nicole ever again and quite frankly it's probably best if you terminate your friendship".

The missus has not stopped laughing and is impressed with the workmanship of the scooter for holding my weight but I've told her to never tell me if Nicole says anything . . . . . .ever!

That's so funny ololololool
Once you take the devils shilling its no going back !!!!!!

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