Up to David Moyes’ appointment as Hammers boss in November, only 15 managers had the privilege of occupying the hot seat on a permanent basis

This month Blowing Bubbles has put them under the microscope to come up with definitive all-time rankings.

In their quest, no stone was left unturned to come up with decisive results and now, in their latest issue, the results are in their January issue.

Whilst competition at the top of the charts may be tough – Lyall or Redknapp? Greenwood or Bonds? – when it comes to the crown of worst manager in West Ham history, there is one stand-out candidate. Manager number unlucky 13 – Avram Grant.

Editor David Blackmore said: “When he was at Chelsea, Grant guided the Blues to the Champions League final, only for John Terry’s night in Moscow to famously end in tears. “In his one season in charge of West Ham, 2010-11, there were no finals – but plenty to cry about. The Israeli’s year at the helm was painful to endure, with a team bereft of ideas or motivation finishing rock bottom of the table, suffering their second relegation in eight years.

“Fortunately, however, Grant was the exception to the rule, and most West Ham managers have produced some memorable moments in their time in charge.”
Find out who sits where in the pecking order, and who has been crowned the ultimate boss of bosses for West Ham, be sure to read the latest edition of Blowing Bubbles – out now: blowing-bubbles.co.uk/read-our-latest-issue.html

Jon Pope

By Jon Pope

Use to sit in the BML for 10 years, been a West Ham fan all my life, and my great grandfather was a founder member of the TIW. I also help run the Hammer Chat website.

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