More specifically, Arnoutovic. By sections of the fan base he has been lauded for deciding to stay with us, “He is a bastard and we will always love him no matter what” some have literally stated. It’s like a cheating partner coming very close to leaving but when the other interested party isn’t actually that interested they decide they will stay and are welcomed back with open arms and public proclamations of how in love we are. He wanted to go but in the end they didn’t want him enough, end of.


Yet on the other side some would want him hung drawn and quartered outside The Boleyn because the thought of almost tripling his wages was of interest to him. If you add in the fact that he may have some financial difficulties then it is even more attractive of a proposition if you use logic for a minute. The more you earn the more you spend, no one is immune to living outside of their means.


He didn’t go to the lengths that Payet did in order to force a move but saga this has still left a bitter taste for me. More so because the actions of his brother left it difficult for Arnie to play while this situation has been very publically played out. Once it had been confirmed that we would not be letting him go the Cup game was the perfect chance to see how his attitude would be. We beat Arsenal with an out of interest Arnie so Wimbledon should have been the ideal game for him to show us how much he “loves playing for the fans”, we could continue until the end of the season happily if all went well.


But for whatever reason this did not happen and we got exactly what we deserved. Despite multiple players starting that I have had no desire to see at our club for some time, that team should have been capable of getting us in to the next round. There were no youngsters that we have never heard of being given a first chance. All of those have featured could quite easily start in the league so the team selection is not an excuse for that embarrassment.  Arnie should not be able to just stroll back in because he is back and ready to play for us now. But who has made a case for themselves to be starting ahead of him?


Unfortunately I think he has to go back in for the Wolves game, as to who is next to him I am not sure. I would prefer Hernandez as they have looked good together. Carroll just doesn’t seem to work with anyone in the squad anymore, whereas Arnie is central to the way we play in the same way that once upon a time Carroll was. They do link up well and with Arnie’s busy style, this leaves the room for Hernandez to operate on the shoulder and to get in to the dangerous areas we need him.


Although this situation looks destined to be resolved in the summer for now at least, he is our bastard. We need to get behind the team and hope we can get back to our best and make some progress in the league.


Thoughts and opinions are welcome @myWHUopinion


Written By Jack  | @myWHUopinion

Jon Pope

By Jon Pope

Use to sit in the BML for 10 years, been a West Ham fan all my life, and my great grandfather was a founder member of the TIW. I also help run the Hammer Chat website.

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