After the weekend results we now find ourselves 4th from bottom.

After shipping 11 goals in our last 3 games our goal difference is now minus 21

This could come into play with Southampton, Crystal Palace, Swansea and Newcastle all having a better goal difference than us.

Even by some miracle that Moyes sorts out the defence we do not want to be reliant on goal difference to keep us up.

We need points quickly, not only to take some pressure off the team and hand that pressure to another team but to give some confidence going into the last 6 games.

Everyone has their opinion on who is to blame, and my blame lies squarely with the board for uninvesting in the team.

And then even worse, not reacting when it was obvious to most that we needed players desperately in January.



Our next game against Southampton is probably our most important game since the 2012 Play Off Final V Blackpool.

And with the current financial situation in the game, arguably more important than that?

A bit dramatic? – I don’t think so

-If we lose we will be in the bottom 3.

-Handing another 3 points to a relegation rival

-With only 2 games, may be even 1 game left where we will be favourites to win.

We know we have a team lacking backbone and really not up for the fight with a crowd waiting to explode.

How will the team and us supporters come back from another loss? I don’t think we will.




If they have any Integrity (which David Gold doesn’t like questioned), then they must do the right thing for the team.

For once in their lives their Ego must be put second.

If they attend and we go 1 or 2 goals behind, even if early then there will be no coming back.

And that may well be the end of our survival hopes.



I have been sick of hearing for weeks that the fans must back the team – WE HAVE

But it needs to happen again and without ant distraction of the board being there.



Play our best players available for each position

Play our best players in their best positions

Play to a formation that suits our best players

Play to win the game



Show some fight

Stop hiding behind all the other problems

Stop feeling sorry for themselves

Any one of the above 4 things not happening will make the game so much harder.

It’s down to everyone


By DazP@Kirtonhammer

Jon Pope

By Jon Pope

Use to sit in the BML for 10 years, been a West Ham fan all my life, and my great grandfather was a founder member of the TIW. I also help run the Hammer Chat website.

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