The appointment of Mario Husillos could be one of the most important arrivals we have made if we want to reach the ‘next step.’

We finally have a person in charge of transfers who is capable of negotiating and getting transfers over the line.

In the last few years, a player like Fornals would have taken all summer or ended up somewhere else. The reason why this is important for the future is less to do with incomings and more to do with outgoings.

Picture from

Turning down the offer of £45m and Phil Jones for Issa Diop by countering with a ridiculous offer is something we haven’t been doing enough. It’s not about getting a huge sum of money for the Frenchman, it’s us saying ‘he isn’t for sale.’

We shouldn’t be in the business of selling, or underselling, our best players. Selling our dead wood on the cheap can’t be helped, but we can’t all be Liverpool and sell average players for £20m. In time, that may change, but for now we must trust in Husillos and Manuel Pellegrini.

With younger players coming through and older players on high wages leaving, the future has a solid foundation. It won’t happen overnight, but the seeds have been planted.

We have the makings of a very good squad and if the club trusts Husillos to get the right players in over the next few years we could improve drastically. We won’t win the league, but we could eventually stop having seasons where we look down instead of up. We might even stop bottling seventh place!

By Stephen Barrows (@StephenBarrows)

[Featured image from]


By Gonzo

West Ham fan for as long as I can remember. I was flukey enough to watch The Irons beat Bury 10-0 in my first ever game . . . True to form, West Ham then went out and signed their central defender 😬

One thought on “Mario Husillos: The Next Step”
  1. What a difference it makes to have other clubs actually wanting our players again after years of signing players coming to the end of their careers on huge contracts that we can’t shift when we want to, certainly a good sign that after only one year of the new DOF set up things are heading in the right direction!

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