With the most important game for years coming up, what happens if it all goes bad Saturday and we lose.

It’s now not about the performance, only the result.

If we lose, then for me we must sack Moyes immediately as we will have nowhere else to go with him.

He should have got us clear of trouble by now, he’s had plenty of time to get the players fit and find a system that works.

He can’t blame lack of players as he should have insisted on new recruits during the January window, if it wasn’t his choice not to bring anyone in.

Apart from a couple of games then he would have failed and would leave with possibly the worse record by a West Ham Manager.

We would be in desperation mode and probably odds on being relegated.

In the bottom 3 with only 2 games left that we may be favourites to win in.

An instant lift would be needed and a dramatic one.

So, who could we bring in for a short-term stint?

Someone with some West Ham history? This might bring everyone together for what would be an against the odds recovery.

A few contenders: –

Harry Redknapp

Does he have anything left would be the question.

Would he be able to raise the players? – I’m not sure if anyone can with the squad we have but through his career he does seem to get the respect from all players.

He would be able to galvanise the fans and team for at least one game at a time.

And he would go for it in terms of system & formation.

A long-term replacement? – No, but that’s not what we would need until we know what league we are in.

Stuart Pearce

This would depend on whether he has been in agreement with the Moyes system & tactics.

But he could get the fans going with some pitch side antics and passion.


Redknapp & Pearce

This might be a better partnership.


Paulo Di Canio

Never happen with the current board but he would take no prisoners and definitely raise the fans into a cup final atmosphere for each game whilst we were still in with a chance of staying up. And with some of the games coming up then that would be exactly what we need.


Terry Westley

May be the man to fall back on if no one else can be found and surely a Manager that would not be afraid of playing better young players.


Alan Curbishley

Probably been out of the game too long now but he was the architect of our great escape in 2006-07, winning 7 of the last 9 games.

With a younger coach alongside? Potts may be.


Hopefully sacking Moyes is not needed and we get the win we desperately need against Southampton to allow him to move on to the next game with at least a 3 point gap to the relegation zone and may be even 5 if Arsenal beat Stoke.


But if we lose, then action would be needed.


By DazP@Kirtonhammer

Jon Pope

By Jon Pope

Use to sit in the BML for 10 years, been a West Ham fan all my life, and my great grandfather was a founder member of the TIW. I also help run the Hammer Chat website.

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