
Today Snodgrass has signed a 1 year contract extension, taking him up to the end of the 2020/21 season. He made 38 appearances last season only missing out on the matchday squad twice. It’s not keeping hold of one of our ‘biggest’ stars, but it is still keeping an important member of the squad with us and rewarding him for last season’s efforts.


I’ve made no secret of my admiration for Snodgrass in the past, I’ve written stating exactly why I think he is an important member of the squad. The fact that he has had his contract extended under Pellegrini shows he has a part to play for us going forwards despite what some people may think/wish.


He got a raw deal from some fans because he came in after a certain controversial figure left, but he was never a direct replacement. It’s all well and good having talented players that can be world beaters on their day, but players like Snodgrass are pivotal. Snodgrass has been treated appallingly by both the board and sections of the support.


But unlike some players who do think they are bigger than the club, he didn’t sulk, he didn’t go on strike, he didn’t get in contact with the fans to make them see his side of any stories that were out there. He grafted and despite being sent out on loan came back to play an important part in our team last season.


There is no two ways about it, he isn’t the mythical ‘next level’ calibre of player that some people think we should have 23 of. But when called upon, in whatever position it may be, he gives 100%. If we had 11 players with that attitude on the pitch every week, we would have a team we could be proud of every week no matter what the result. I can accept loosing, but what I can’t accept is any player not giving everything they can. It actually turns out he doesn’t do too bad of a job sitting in a deeper midfield role than he is accustomed too.


We saw the best of him last season and to top it off he scored one particularly enjoyable goal against Palace, right in front of me. I lost it, he has earned every bit of praise and hopefully he will still contribute a lot to the squad for the next 2 seasons!

Written By Jack | @myWHUopinion

Jon Pope

By Jon Pope

Use to sit in the BML for 10 years, been a West Ham fan all my life, and my great grandfather was a founder member of the TIW. I also help run the Hammer Chat website.

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