A lot is being talked about Andy Carroll this transfer window online and in the media going to Chelsea. At the start I thought it was just a vicious rumour made up by somebody trying to make fools of everyone but as the days and weeks progressed it appears there may be some substance to it, even to the extent David Moyes was at the game last night. Whether or not he was there to cast an eye over Batshuayi as a possible swap deal, who knows?

All this talk however got me thinking about Andy and what type of player he is. We all know that on his day he can be a game changer but unfortunately, I feel he just doesnā€™t seem to have those days too often.

We all know he is injury prone but what does astound me is that in 11 seasons of playing football since he signed his professional contract aged 17 in November 2006, he has amassed a total of 243 appearances in League Competitions. That averages out at about 22 games a season. Fair enough his first two years he only made 8 appearances but even if you take them out its 235 appearances, averaging approximately 26 games a season.

So, with averaging 26 games a season, I had a look to see just how many seasons in his career has he amassed more than the 26 league games:


2009-10 season for Newcastle (season before his big money move to Liverpool) – Played 39

2010-11 season for Newcastle / Liverpool (season of his big money move to Liverpool) ā€“ Played 26

2011-12 season for Liverpool (first season following his big money move) ā€“ Played 35

2015-16 season for West Ham (last season at the Boleyn) ā€“ Played 27


Two of those seasons he just scraped past the 26, bearing in mind 26 is only 68% of a season, so realistically out of 9 seasons he has only broke 30 league games twice!

His goal scoring record is 1 goal every 3.5 league games, 1 goal every 3.7 games in all competitions. I know people will say heā€™s a target man who holds the ball up for other players but I want a better return for a striker. Take for example Shearer (as much as I hate him) whoā€™s was 1 every 1.93 or Sheringham (who was still playing until he was 42) whoā€™s was 1 every 2.5 games or currently Lukaku his goal to game ratio is 1 every 2.15 games. They all put him to shame.

If Carroll is being valued at Ā£20million and Chelsea are willing to pay it then I would take the money and run. The only problem I could see is who would we replace him with? My first choice would be Giroud, heā€™s valued in and around the same price range and yes, is slightly older but most definitely isnā€™t as injury prone and his goal to game ratio is 1 goal every 2.35 games.

The other option being touted is a straight swap deal with Batshuayi. I know a lot of people watched the game last night and think he was awful but heā€™s a lot younger, scores goals (1 every 2.64) and hasnā€™t been blighted by injuries. A straight swap would work and if he doesnā€™t produce the goods we have a player we could sell on for probably the Ā£20million in a season or so. He was a Ā£32million player when Chelsea signed him 2years ago.

So as much as Iā€™ll remember Andy for his time in a West Ham shirt and the goals he scored, especially the bicycle kick v Crystal Palace and the shear joy and shock it put on my young boys face to have been there to witness it, I think it may be time to go our separate ways. There is no doubt he is a quality player when heā€™s not on the physio table but those days are few and far between.


By Tony Close




Jack Farrell has his view on Andy Carroll.

This is a more in depth look into if I think we should keep, or sell certain players.

AC is now in his 6th season with us. Heā€™s now played 110 games for us. Scoring 32 goals on the way.

When he first came along I was very impressed, the whole team was eat up for him with Jarvis one of the leagues top crossers according to the stats anyway from the season before anyway coming in to change the way we play. It really doesnā€™t seem to matter who he is up against, if the team plays right he is unplayable. Look how well Nolan did from his flick onā€™s. It wasnā€™t pace that helped him it was knowing AC would usually win the ball and knock it on. He is unplayable when he gets going, I canā€™t remember one specific game where he has been kept out of it in the air. I remember chatting to my dad about him before a certain game against arsenal, we both agreed heā€™s ok but heā€™ll never be the type of player to score a Hat trick, he proved us wrong a couple of hours later.

But going back to the amount of league games he has played, 110 so far. Out of a possible 263!!

Heā€™s had more comebacks than a 90ā€™s boyband, how often can you say yeh but when heā€™s fit. He has missed 153 league games in his time with us he is hardly ever fit. He is one dimensional and personally I donā€™t like that way of playing. The whole team changes their way of playing and against a team that passes and moves, presses high he can be a passengerĀ  and we are playing with ten men. I lost patience with him a long time ago the only surprise is that someone (allegedly) wants to pay us for him. Iā€™d love Michy to be involved in a deal for him but if the chance is there to then SELL!!!!
If he goes on loan now heā€™ll be back with us and injured by the time the transfer window has shut.

Also if itā€™s true about the rumours that he claims heā€™s injured while heā€™s not, at least I know itā€™s mutual. Ta ta Andy see you later!

Let me know your take on him wether you a for or against Iā€™d love to hear others opinions. @myWHUopinion on Twitter



By Gonzo

West Ham fan for as long as I can remember. I was flukey enough to watch The Irons beat Bury 10-0 in my first ever game . . . True to form, West Ham then went out and signed their central defender šŸ˜¬

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