Can you hear it? The low thud of inevitability as West Ham bounce down the table back into the relegation fight? The man who was sent to save the souls of the wayward and the restless, came and failed to conquerā€¦in fact he has become the living nightmare that all would come to dread!

When David Moyes was appointed with 27 games to go, it was a clear indication from the ownership that they had lost all sense of reason and the failed ambitions they would lament about would continue onwards for the remainder of the season. In defence of Moyes at that time, the team was in a shocking state and they were shadows of what they potentially could have been. He worked well for a few weeks and there were gradual improvementsā€¦but as Christmas came and went, the indigestible reality was beginning to dawn on the massesā€¦and it wasnā€™t the rotten turkey sandwiches either.

The defensive fragilities returned and goals were being conceded with alarming ease, however Moyes remained rigid in his stance and defiant that all was well and all would be saved come the end of the season.

The January transfer window was a farce, Hugill was signed as a last ditch effort to appease the dissenting hordes, but has never been given a proper chance, nor would he ever likely to be especially as Arnautovic, Hernandez, Carroll and the tea lady were all ahead of him. Many would question his quality or even suitability for top flight football, but a couple of first team appearances as late substitute cannot be a gauge of his worth, regardless of his meagre goal scoring statistics from previous clubs. The decision to buy him was incorrect and that is not a reflection on Hugill at all but rather at the incompetence of the manager and the owners.

Patrice Evra was brought in after the deadline to sure up the left hand side of the defence, but the Frenchman is too old, too slow and too expensive at a reputed Ā£75,000 a week. Another absolutely disastrous decision to employ his services and to pay such highly inflated wages to an ex player who was out of work. Many people have praised the owners for their business acumenā€¦but these two deals merely show how inept they really are and it stinks of desperation!

So, fast forward to the end of the season and with three games to go, there is revolution being spoken of and fires burning in the bellies of the infuriated support, who have been dealt another foul blown to their dreams and promises that were made to them. Moyes has failed at every turn to produce attacking football or even a formation that would effectively challenge the mighty but also against the minnows that surround the club too.

There are few fans that would be deluded to think that West Ham would ever be expected to beat the top six teams, however there would be fewer to be so pessimistic to think that the team should not warrant to try to do so. However it has been the lethargic performances and tactics against the so called lesser teams that has really caused most concern and would see Moyes rooted out and booted far from view.

Tomorrow, he takes the wondering layabouts up to Leicester to play for a point. Not fight, or battleā€¦but merely play! Not aiming to win, would not be so disappointed with a loss but hoping for a draw! Is this really what the fans want? Is this really what the move to the London Stadium was all about? Absolutely not!

One cannot express the anger that many fans are feeling at this moment and it is not about the resultsā€¦however it is about the manner of the performances, the defeats and the objectionable way in which Moyes seems to view each game as merely a sideshow. His focus is to look ahead and merely survive by hook or by crook, assume points will be gained at the London Stadium and dismiss any other opportunities to create daylight.

There is a definitive chance that Moyes will once against set up defensively and fail to impress the fans and one would hope, fail to impress the ownership too. The players must find it within themselves now to revolt against the man who would lead the club down into the murky depths and fight with every ounce of energy to deliver a performance that would enable three points to be earned. Do not do it for the managerā€¦do it for the fans and the future of the club! This will be their greatest challenge to date and they must find a way to come together as a team, as a coordinated effort, to support each otherā€™s purpose to advance and pressurise the Leicester defence until they wilt in the afternoon sun.

Let Moyes come away with a win, let him take the plaudits and the justifications for his actionsā€¦but let the whole world see right through his failings. The fans must twist, shout and sing as oneā€¦urging the players to dance one last time. The muttering classes must reveal the truths and the two heads that would roll at the guillotine must bow to the French revolution that was lost, but might once again be reborn. Let the players have a final run at the hill and once the flag has been captured, then serve Moyes his marching orders and let him be gone from this club that will need to rebuild again in the summer, but this time with successful ambitions!Ā 


By Gonzo

West Ham fan for as long as I can remember. I was flukey enough to watch The Irons beat Bury 10-0 in my first ever game . . . True to form, West Ham then went out and signed their central defender šŸ˜¬

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