With the recent news that Andy Carroll is the latest Hammer to suffer an ankle injury, whch came just in time with all the speculation of a possible Chelsea move. its clear that the injuries are still coming thick and fast.

At one point it was hamstring injuries that the medical team were having to deal with on a regular basis; now the most recent batch of injuries includes a fair proportion of ankles.

José Fonte, James Collins, and Reece Oxford have all suffered with ankle injuries of late; now Andy Carroll joins the group. The list is endless at the moment.

There’s no rhyme or reason to it; and certainly nobody to blame. Maybe the Christmas games are to blame as rotation has not been the policy under Moyes so far.

And in all honesty we shouldn’t really expect anything else. After all, football is a contact sport and players will pick up injuries as the season goes by. It’s just one of those things despite everyone doing their best to keep the number of injuries down to a minimum. Its not the number of injuries its happening to to many key players are getting struck down.

Of course, its not just Andy suffering with an ankle injury at the moment. José Fonte underwent ankle surgery in December and appears to be making progress in terms of recovery.

Edimilson Fernandes was another who needed an ankle operation in December and he too will be going through the appropriate stages of rehab as we speak.

James Collins was also out of action for several weeks with an ankle injury not too long ago and then his return from that was complicated by a hamstring problem; while Reece Oxford injured his ankle by kicking the ground in training – a common enough occurrence.

The main worry is now that Andy might soon join both José and Edimilson in having surgery; and by all accounts this is something that the West Ham medical team led by Gary Lewin will be addressing during the course of the next few days.

So its one thing after another. Just when everyone was saying that David Moyes won’t have any new injuries to worry about before Bournemouth visit the London Stadium comes the bad news about Andy.

It just goes to show how in football things can change in a blink of an eye, this should be a eye opener for the board. They must spend now .

Jon Pope

By Jon Pope

Use to sit in the BML for 10 years, been a West Ham fan all my life, and my great grandfather was a founder member of the TIW. I also help run the Hammer Chat website.

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