SUNDAY 25th MARCH 2018 at 12 noon, at the Boleyn Pub Barking Road


West Ham’s official supporter’s club has been a place to meet for a drink and something to eat, before and after home games for over 70 years. This club has been a huge benefit for many to socialise, meet old friends and make new ones. It is now held at Stour Space across the canal from the stadium.

The existing committee, including the current Chairman and Secretary, have taken the decision to quietly push through a motion for members to vote on the closure of the club. Around 50 members out of over 700, with 8 years’ or more membership stand to gain personally on a financial basis from the division of club assets, which could run into thousands of pounds each, leaving the general members with nothing. No club and no home.

The committee need two thirds of the vote to pass this motion and West Ham would then be the only large club in the country without an official supporters club.

All current members have the power to overturn this and keep the club in existence.

Sunday March 25th we are asking that all members attend the meeting in person at 12 noon, with their current membership card and vote against the closure of the club. No membership card, no entry.

The club is run by volunteers who would like it to continue for the benefit of all. If you only do one thing this weekend, and are a member, please attend and vote to save your club. The very survival of the club is depending on your personal support.

Don’t leave it to someone else! Your vote is vital.

West Ham Supporter’s club……..for the many.


Jon Pope

By Jon Pope

Use to sit in the BML for 10 years, been a West Ham fan all my life, and my great grandfather was a founder member of the TIW. I also help run the Hammer Chat website.

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