I can’t help but scratch my head when I see how downbeat some people seem to be after the Stoke game. I know we drew 1-1 in a game we really wanted to win just to make us feel a bit safer. But the score doesn’t always show the full story of a game.

We were by far the better team and I think in our current situation that the performance is very important, we didn’t lose, we should have won and we played well. I think to drop anyone after the two previous games would be very harsh as they have all played well and 5 points from the last 3 games is respectable. All with differing results and differing manners in which we got the points but nonetheless 3 good performances and 5 goals scored with only 2 conceded.

We had the ball in the net 4 times, if Arnie was a fraction further back for the 1st would 2-1 of meant that we had done enough and this constituted a good attacking game form us? Maybe if Arnie wasn’t there for Fernandez’ shot Butland would of saved it but the chance was created and irrespective of where Arnie was it was a decent effort. If that had of creeped in to we would have won 3-1 that must be a decent result surely? The only one I would argue maybe should of stood was Hernandez’, I’m not sure that handball can be given when AC is fighting off a defender at the same time and is being pushed/pulled while trying to control the ball. If the ref agreed on that one with me it would have been 4-1, a thrashing, West Ham back to their best ready to make a few BIG improvements and push on for next season?

Yes Stoke had a few chances they could of/should have taken. But the above are more than chances, we created and finished the chances and did control the game for the large part of it. I think given the circumstances it would be hard to justify dropping anyone. I would say I think we should have made our subs earlier but once again when push came to shove we were bold and had 3 really good attacking subs who did make the difference when they came on. At the end of the day Moyes has come in with one job and one job only to do. It looks as though he should complete this and by that measure he has been a success, at least in the eyes of his employers.

We have a difficult few games coming up next but with a lot of confidence gained form recent performance’s, hopefully we can give Arsenal a real good go and I think we can come away with all 3 points. Don’t expect any bold changes to the team, maybe Lanzini coming back in at the most but it won’t be Arnoutovic with Hernandez starting up top on Sunday that’s for sure.

By Jack | @myWHUopinion

Jon Pope

By Jon Pope

Use to sit in the BML for 10 years, been a West Ham fan all my life, and my great grandfather was a founder member of the TIW. I also help run the Hammer Chat website.

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