It seems as though Obiang has been showing Pellegrini the best he has to offer in pre-season so far with reports that offers have been rejected and we are set to keep him. 

I have to admit that when we first saw Pedro Obiang I was very excited as he looked to be a very different type of player to any we have had for a long time. In terms of style I’d say the only other player I have seen turn for the Hammers is Michael Carrick.

Very calm on the ball, a good range of passing, can do a good job making an interception or an important challenge when the opposition are on the front foot and generally just a very classy player. In the first season he and Kouyate didn’t really get a run of games together which was disappointing because those two at their best would complement each other perfectly. I was hoping for Obiang to be swanning about the pitch nicking possession and releasing Kouyate to make one of those length of the pitch runs to then slide in a more dangerous player in the final third of the box.

But as a partnership they are more Bill and Ben and I cannot believe how uncoordinated they have been when playing alongside each other. There seems to be a lack of discipline/desire at times which put simply lets the whole team down. At times in the last 2 season’s massive lapses in concentration have cost us many goals when simply tracking a man can eliminate the option of a pass yet at times that is simply not done.

Alongside Jack Wilshire though, with the discipline drilled in to him I think Obiang could flourish. These two in form could form a formidable partnership. Those bits of play that can out of nowhere take you from defending on the edge of your own box to a dangerous attack from nowhere are what I think these two could bring us. Just imagine it we are on the edge of our own box,  then Obiang steps in plays and intercepts the ball, one clever pass through to Wilshire and with one of those trademark mazing runs we are in possession in a dangerous area with the likes of Arnie, Anderson and Yarmalenko all busting a gut to get forward and be on the receiving end of that through ball slipped in behind a defender for them to just slot home.

It is a real shame we haven’t seen the best out of Obiang on a consistent basis because with the ball at his feet when he is on form he can play passes and hit a ball that I don’t think many in his role can. The fact that we seem to have decided on keeping him hopefully means that we will see his best on a consistent basis and he is one of those players that for the last 2 seasons has been poor but I have a rejuvenated faith in the team this year and I can’t wait to see the role that Pellegrini assigns to the young Spaniard but if it comes of it could be quite special. I would like to see him as the defensive one of a midfield three or next to Wilshire with another attacking midfielder ahead of them supporting the striker in an ideal world. 

Are you happy with the news that Pellegrini wants to keep him or would you rather cut our losses and move him on? How would you like to see his qualities utilised?

Let me know @myWHUopinion on twitter.


Written By Jack | @myWHUopinion

Jon Pope

By Jon Pope

Use to sit in the BML for 10 years, been a West Ham fan all my life, and my great grandfather was a founder member of the TIW. I also help run the Hammer Chat website.

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