Real West Ham Action Group

Real West Ham Fans Action Group: Our Story

Andy Swallow and Micky Morgan, both of the Real West Ham Fan’s Action Group (RWHFAG), take a trip down memory lane as they return to The Boleyn Ground, or the now building site, and have a look at the local businesses 18 months on after West Ham United have moved to the London Stadium.

It starts with clips to remind fans why this group was formed, Andy with a message for David Sullivan, David Gold and Karren Brady as he states ‘we have had enough of your lies!’, they speak to fans as one states ‘they don’t have the interest of supporters to heart’ before a steward that worked at Upton Park for 10 years, decided to quit her role and join the protest!

Have a watch below and you can join the march on the 10th of March, keep your eyes on our thread here as well as the social media for TRWHFAG!


By Geo

I am the Scottish one in the videos, I idolise Liam Gallagher and enjoy maltesers. I will forever be convinced Mark Noble is a good player and will forever be convinced that Kouyate needs to play centre back. I once applied for The Apprentice and got told my plan was useless but at least it did not include a running track.

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