RWHFAG Meet the West Ham BoardRWHFAG Meet the West Ham Board

Last week various representatives of fan sites were invited to a meeting lead by Karren Brady under the alias of ‘West Ham fans groups united’

The vice chairman issued a 5,000 worded letter to the group with short term and long term proposals in regards to many topics such as badge, stadium, history and heritage as well as match day experiences.

The groups will meet tonight to discuss the letter in detail plus look to firm up plans ahead of the march on the 10th prior to the Burnley game.

West Ham United have invited the group back for another meeting on Wednesday and the group will decide tonight whether to attend and speak once more with Karren Brady.

All will be published later via the groups social media channels and you can get involved in the discussion on our forum here CLICK HERE and keep up to date with the real West Ham Fans Action Group on Facebook and Twitter

If you would like to read some of the points that were discussed in the Initial meeting with Karren Brady last Monday, you can read them in our blog CLICK HERE

Jon Pope

By Jon Pope

Use to sit in the BML for 10 years, been a West Ham fan all my life, and my great grandfather was a founder member of the TIW. I also help run the Hammer Chat website.

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